Two new job opportunities at The Churches Trust. *Closed*
The Churches Trust is pleased to announce that we have two 20 hour part time jobs available.
Project Worker
Purpose and function of post:
To coordinate and administer special projects: current projects include, 'The Columba Journey: Celebrating Christian Heritage' and a 'Building Community Pharamacy Partnershhip' project. Projects will vary year on year.
To further the mission of the Churches Trust by providing effective and timely administrative support and project co-ordination.
Full job description and requirements below:
This post closes on Thursday 16th of September 2021 at 3pm.
Health Inequalities Coordinator
Purpose and function of post:
To support the Community Relations Manager on the delivery of the Health Inequalities Strategy
To coordinate low intervention care services to older people
To coordinate the Churches Trust reponse to addressing food poverty
To manage and develop the Care and Repair Service
To further the mission of the Churches Trust by providing effective and timely administrative support and services coordination.
Full job description and requirements below:
This post closes on Wednesday 22nd of September 2021 at 3pm.